Immediate Support
If you are experiencing a psychiatric emergency, please go to your local emergency room or call 911.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline- 800-273-8255
National Domestic Violence Hotline- 800-787-3224
RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline- 1-800-656-HOPE
​Trevor Line- 24/7 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender crisis support- 800-850-8078
1736 Family Crisis Center- 24 hour hotline- 310-370-5902 and 310-379-3620
Torrance Memorial Hospital- Suicide Prevention Line- available 24 hours a day/7 days a week- 877-727-4747
Substance Abuse
Alcoholics Anonymous-
Torrance Memorial Hospital- Alcohol & Drug Helpline- available 24 hours a day/7days a week- 800-821-4357​
Thelma McMillen Center for Alcohol and Drug Treatment- consultation and assessment at no charge. 310-784-4879
Clear Recovery Center- 877-799-1985
Alcohol Addiction Center- 866-278-815
Kaiser Permanente Local Medical Office| Mental Health Department- 310-325-6542
Beach Cities Health District-310-374-3426, ext. 256​​​
Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center- Torrance- 310-7676 or 888-432-5464
Torrance Memorial Medical Center-310-325-9110
South Bay Family Health Care- 310-802-6170